piątek, 31 maja 2013

Wrażenia z testu:
  • nie mam działa na S-51, muszę je zrobić, bo w 086 będzie kosztowało 2x więcej, na szczęście mam free expa
  • nie opłaca się kupować Lorki 155 51, bo będzie tańsza
  • nie opłaca się sprzedawać SU-8, bo będzie droższa
  • A33 Excelsior jest fajny, jak będzie w promocji, to sobie kupię.
  • Victory!
    Battle: Pearl River 31 maja 2013 14:42:29
    Vehicle: Centurion Mk. I
    Experience received: 2 716 (x2 for the first victory each day)
    Credits received: 36 643
    Battle Achievements: Sniper, Mastery Badge: "Ace Tanker"

    SU-14 researched. Undistributed experience spent: 109000. Free Experience spent: 0.

    Battle: Province 31 maja 2013 23:13:18
    Vehicle: Cruiser Mk. III
    Experience received: 1 506 (x2 for the first victory each day)
    Credits received: 11 114
    Battle Achievements: Mastery Badge: "Ace Tanker"

    sobota, 25 maja 2013

    Za to lubię Matyldę:

    Battle: Prokhorovka 25 maja 2013 18:04:22
    Vehicle: Matilda
    Experience received: 1 077
    Credits received: 21 449
    Battle Achievements: Steel Wall, Top Gun, Cool-Headed
    Nareszcie, bo ze stockowym silnikiem IP to była koszmarna krowa, ale nie będę testował:
    Module Engine 'MTU MB 837 A' researched. Undistributed experience spent: 21000. Free Experience spent: 0.
    Engine 'MTU MB 837 A' (1 item(s)) successfully purchased. You have spent credits: 65 800.

    Engine 'MTU MB 837 A' mounted on vehicle

    czwartek, 23 maja 2013

    Miałem se dać spokój, ale sprzedanie niewyelitowanego czołgu mnie mierziło, szczególnie takiego lolka, i wyszło:

    Battle: Pearl River 23 maja 2013 20:09:37
    Vehicle: Alecto
    Experience received: 2 044 (x2 for the first victory each day)
    Credits received: 21 329
    Battle Achievements: Mastery Badge: "Ace Tanker"

    środa, 22 maja 2013

    Znowu głosowanie na którą linię mają być obniżki:
    Zawsze to więcej niż jeden głos.
    AT 2 researched. Undistributed experience spent: 13500. Free Experience spent: 0.

    Odkupiłem T32:
    'T32' successfully purchased. You have spent credits: 1 827 000.
    Radio 'SCR 528' mounted on vehicle.
    Suspension 'T84E3A' mounted on vehicle.
    Engine 'Continental AV-1790-3' mounted on vehicle.
    Turret 'T119' mounted on vehicle.
    Gun '105 mm Gun T5E1' mounted on vehicle.
    Equipment 'Improved Ventilation Class 3' mounted on vehicle.
    Equipment 'Large-caliber Tank Gun Rammer' mounted on vehicle.
    Equipment 'Vertical Stabilizer Mk 2' mounted on vehicle.

    Battle: El Halluf 22 maja 2013 23:34:09
    Vehicle: T32
    Experience received: 1 906 (x2 for the first victory each day)
    Credits received: 39 087
    Battle Achievements: Sniper, Mastery Badge: "2nd Class"

    niedziela, 19 maja 2013

    Battle: Prokhorovka 19 maja 2013 12:16:48
    Vehicle: SU-8
    Experience received: 2 216 (x2 for the first victory each day)
    Credits received: 38 224
    Battle Achievements: The Lion of Sinai, Mastery Badge: "Ace Tanker"

    Battle: South Coast 19 maja 2013 21:41:23
    Vehicle: Lorraine155 50
    Experience received: 442
    Credits received: 9 805
    Battle Achievements: Expert: Germany

    Prototyp Leoparda pękł trafiony z arty.

    sobota, 18 maja 2013

    Module Gun '105 mm Gun T5E1M2' researched. Undistributed experience spent: 0. Free Experience spent: 68000.

    Widać maczmaker zauważył, że miałem ponad 100k free expa i nie miałem premki. No i przestał nawet udawać - 40% szans na zwycięstwo według XVMa zaczęło być normą. No to wydałem, bo i tak planowałem zrobienie gęsi i działa z free expa, bo to co jest na stocku to żal.pl.
    Battle: Pearl River 17 maja 2013 18:20:02
    Vehicle: AMX 50 120
    Experience received: 3 184 (x2 for the first victory each day)
    Credits received: 53 688
    Battle Achievements: Top Gun, Sniper, Mastery Badge: "Ace Tanker"

    6,5k rozdanego, 1,5k z podświetlenia

    czwartek, 16 maja 2013

    Module Suspension 'S-51 Bis' researched. Undistributed experience spent: 5465. Free Experience spent: 0.

    Suspension 'S-51 Bis' (1 item(s)) successfully purchased. You have spent credits: 17 300.

    Suspension 'S-51 Bis' mounted on vehicle.
    Zajebista lektura: http://www.google.com/patents/US8425330

    środa, 15 maja 2013

    Module Gun '9 cm KwK 54' researched. Undistributed experience spent: 18300. Free Experience spent: 0.

    Gun '9 cm KwK 54' (1 item(s)) successfully purchased. You have spent credits: 118 000.

    Gun '9 cm KwK 54' mounted on vehicle.

    poniedziałek, 13 maja 2013

    'T21' successfully sold. You have received credits: 475 000.

    'VK 28.01' successfully sold. You have received credits: 497 500.

    Jakoś ich nie lubiłem, takie niedorobione medy z gorszym maczmakerem.
    Fajnie przyszło:
    Battle: Province 13 maja 2013
    Vehicle: Pz.Kpfw. S35 739 (f)
    Experience received: 2 089
    Credits received: 64 054
    Battle Achievements: Steel Wall, Top Gun, Mastery Badge: "Ace Tanker"

    Shell 'HE Mk. 3' (15000 item(s)) successfully sold. You have received credits: 1 275 000.

    'ISU-152' successfully purchased. You have spent credits: 1 764 000.
    Samobójcza akcja, słaby exp, ale blaszka za 4 arty wpadła:
    Battle: Ruinberg 12 maja 2013 10:26:44
    Vehicle: E-50 Ausf. M
    Experience received: 5 120 (x5 for the first victory each day)
    Credits received: 43 098
    Battle Achievements: Dumitru's Medal, Sharpshooter

    Battle: Karelia 12 maja 2013 11:03:16
    Vehicle: Pz.Kpfw. S35 739 (f)
    Experience received: 6 870 (x5 for the first victory each day)
    Credits received: 50 021
    Battle Achievements: Top Gun, Master Gunner, Mastery Badge: "1st Class"

    Lorraine155 51 researched. Undistributed experience spent: 155600. Free Experience spent: 0.

    Module Gun '100 mm SA 47 AC' researched. Undistributed experience spent: 34500. Free Experience spent: 0.

    T71 researched. Undistributed experience spent: 60000. Free Experience spent: 0.

    Pedoberzenia ciąg dalszy:
    Battle: Mines 12 maja 2013 14:17:26
    Vehicle: Leichttraktor
    Experience received: 8 450 (x5 for the first victory each day)
    Credits received: 44 686 (compensation for damage caused by allies: 240)
    Battle Achievements: Top Gun

    Module Gun '100 mm LB-1C' researched. Undistributed experience spent: 16500. Free Experience spent: 0.

    Gun '100 mm LB-1C' (1 item(s)) successfully purchased. You have spent credits: 130 750.

    Gun '100 mm LB-1C' mounted on vehicle.

    Battle: Prokhorovka 12 maja 2013 18:11:34
    Vehicle: T-127
    Experience received: 6 975 (x5 for the first victory each day)
    Credits received: 46 891
    Battle Achievements: Top Gun

    sobota, 11 maja 2013

    'Pz.Kpfw. S35 739 (f)' successfully purchased. You have spent gold: 500 .

    Equipment 'Improved Ventilation Class 2' (1 item(s)) successfully purchased. You have spent credits: 75 000.

    Equipment 'Improved Ventilation Class 2' mounted on vehicle.

    Shells Pzgr 39 (f) (100 item(s)) successfully purchased. You have spent credits: 1 400.

    credits: 11 000 total spent on ammunition.

    Camouflage successfuly changed. Credits spent: 15 000.

    Battle: Himmelsdorf 11 maja 2013 10:23:19
    Vehicle: Pz.Kpfw. S35 739 (f)
    Experience received: 3 515 (x5 for the first victory each day)
    Credits received: 16 461
    Battle Achievements: Master Gunner, Mastery Badge: "3rd Class"

    Tragedii nie ma, 3 klasa za 469 expa, pancerz kadłuba mógłby być jednak grubszy.

    Event zacny, po 1 bitwie na E-50M (x3 dla załogi, x5 za pierwszą wygraną) został tylko jeden koleś bez 100%.

    Mimo że premka i x5 i 25k za top guna, ale i tak ładnie wygląda:
    Battle: Pearl River 11 maja 2013 11:15:46
    Vehicle: VK 30.02 (D)
    Experience received: 10 050 (x5 for the first victory each day)
    Credits received: 89 476
    Battle Achievements: Top Gun

    Aufklärungspanzer Panther researched. Undistributed experience spent: 43100. Free Experience spent: 0.

    Battle: Malinovka 11 maja 2013 19:11:35
    Vehicle: Leichttraktor
    Experience received: 5 855 (x5 for the first victory each day)
    Credits received: 39 374
    Battle Achievements: Top Gun

    Battle: South Coast 11 maja 2013 19:31:27
    Vehicle: Pz.Kpfw. B2 740 (f)
    Experience received: 8 865 (x5 for the first victory each day)
    Credits received: 64 508
    Battle Achievements: Top Gun, Invader, Sniper

    Battle: Malinovka 11 maja 2013 21:35:23
    Vehicle: MS-1
    Experience received: 4 370 (x5 for the first victory each day)
    Credits received: 37 136
    Battle Achievements: Top Gun, Sharpshooter, Master Gunner

    Indien-Panzer researched. Undistributed experience spent: 81100. Free Experience spent: 0.

    'VK 30.02 (D)' successfully sold. You have received credits: 684 500.

    'Indien-Panzer' successfully purchased. You have spent credits: 1 694 000.

    I żeby nie robić sobie problemów:
    Module Suspension 'Indien-Panzer' researched. Undistributed experience spent: 0. Free Experience spent: 14000.
    Ciąg dalszy męczarni:
    Module Gun '155 mm Gun M1A1' researched. Undistributed experience spent: 15500. Free Experience spent: 0.

    Gun '155 mm Gun M1A1' (1 item(s)) successfully purchased. You have spent credits: 111 500.

    Gun '155 mm Gun M1A1' mounted on vehicle.

    Shells HE M101M4 (20 item(s)) successfully purchased. You have spent credits: 22 400.

    sobota, 4 maja 2013

    Kurna, nareszcie:
    Module Suspension 'SU-100M1 Bis' researched. Undistributed experience spent: 14500. Free Experience spent: 0.

    Jeszcze działo.