sobota, 3 maja 2014

do not hesitate

Mła: Open:
Pick "USSR aricrafts" from first select
USSR aircrafts will be shown
Pick Fighters from 2nd select
USSR fighters will be shown
Pick any specific tier from 3rd select.
Current: All planes from picked tier are shown.

Expected: Previous settings are kept - Soviet fighters with given tier should be presented.

Dear Pilot,

Thank you for contacting us and for your interest on WoWp.

First of all, I would like to apologize for the delay on the answer to your ticket. We have more volume of work than usual, but we still try to reply to all of you as soon as possible.

As mentioned in the portal:

Sort by nation, type or tier:

therefore, when you select tier, you see them all, from that tier level. :)

Anything else, please let us know,

Kind Regards,

Ta kurwa pewnie, mam 3 pola i czasem mogę sobie je łączyć, a czasem nie.

Or is not exclusive, and I can sort by nation AND type (like Soviet fighters), but tier breaks it all.

In mentioned sentence or seems to be used instead of second comma, not as an excuse to broken form handling.

Thank you for getting back to us.

I have checked and it is correct. You can either sort by nation and type or sort by tier.
It is intended to work that way.

I hope I have helped you clarify the matter.

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have further issues.

Po chuj mam się not hesitejtować, skoro praktycznie żadne z moich issues które zgłosiłem do saportu nie zostały rozwiązane?

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